Friday, February 25, 2011


Finally heard those magic words this morning...(or was it last night?)...still can't figure it out... either way, I do know that I am running on very little sleep!

Temp finally lowered to under 100, packed everything up quickly, and rushed to the airport. Almost had a mental breakdown at check-in cause my bag was five pounds overweight but they luckily waved the fee. Almost passed out rushing through security and to the gate, but made it in time! Said goodbye to mom, met Dan who's a guy also on my program, and boarded! Unfortunately, picking the very back seat was a baddd idea because there was actually a lot less room... but the flight wasn't full so after about an hour I moved up a few rows and sat with Dan, and we talked all about Germany and stuff which helped the time of the long flight to pass

FINALLY landed. (I've used that word a lot in this post!) and flu seems to be all about done. Went through customs, spoke my first German words in a looong time (Guten Morgen!--I know, I'm fabulous, right?) and then what did I spend my first euros on? A "large" cup of coffee. Dan and I sat around for a couple hours and waited and then met up with the program heads and the other students, and met more and more students, and after like five hours, we finally headed to Heidelberg! Got to our dorms woo!

So it's in the new part of the city, unfortunately a 30 minute bus ride from classes, but that's okay! 4 single rooms with 2 bathrooms and a kitchen, and a balcony! In my own room! Pretty neat! Haven't met any roommates yet though... quick shower and freshened up, and then Robert and Becca and I got on the bus to make the journey to the Study Center to use the wifi because we don't get wifi in the rooms until the semester actually starts next month :( (but no different than Newton, right?!)

Now just catching up on email and updates and letting everyone know I've arrived safely, pizza party soon! Then BED. And a whole day of Orientation and stuff for the weekend, and then we delve right into that German which I have...forgotten.


1 comment:

  1. Your mother is delighted that you arrived safe and sound, albeit weary for the wear.
