Thursday, February 24, 2011

Die Grippe

The day is finally here, the day I leave for Germany!!!!!! I have been waiting NINE WEEKS for this day, and what have I been doing to prepare for it? Well, I've been bedridden tackling the flu. I don't even remember the last time I got the flu, the last time I was even this sick was like five years ago and that was due to food poisoning. But alas, like everything in life, this virus waltzed in with perfect timing. At the worst stage, my fever was up to 104.1 and has been lowering for the last few days, and this morning, approximately six hours before we are to leave for the airport, it's down to 100.5. But I am stubborn as a horse (is that even a phrase?) and I am getting on that plane. We changed my seat to the very back of the plane next to the window so I can be sickly without bothering anyone.

I guess on the bright side... I've lost almost four pounds in just a few shorts days, and I am usually never able to sleep much on red eye flights, but all I have the energy to do is sleep! So I can just sleep the entire flight and then it'll be over. Now, tackling my hefty luggage will be another task considering I've lost basically all my muscle functions... maybe being an old man isn't all it's cracked up to be...

So! I am GETTING ON THAT PLANE. I WILL FEEL BETTER. I WILL MAKE IT OVER THERE IN ONE PIECE. (I mean, I am heading over to Germany, where they're famous for barking orders, right???)

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