Monday, July 11, 2011

ich hab mein herz in heidelberg verloren

this blog post title, also the title of my second heidelberg facebook album, is the title of a famous song translated as "i lost my heart in heidelberg"

well, this evening, i realized how true that is. after tonight, i've got basically two weeks and one day left in germany. i just had one of the most amazing weekends of my life in interlaken, switzerland with becca (uploading pics to facebook right now, hopefully i can get an update about it on the blog this week...) we didn't get back until almost midnight last night, and i had class and internship all day, so unfortunately i spent most of the day inside, but it was another GORGEOUS day. i've gotten into such a routine-- wake up, breakfast/run/do some homework, bike along the neckar to altstadt to either class or internship, grab some food maybe, bar in the evening maybe, maybe someone's house for dinner, bike home along the neckar, usw.

today after frau said's class ended at 8, becca and i went to grab some doener along hauptstrasse and then sat in the platz that is overlooked by the castle with the big jesus and mary statue and it hit me-- I LOVE THIS CITY. sometimes i get annoyed by all the tourists clogging the streets, or by the random downpours of rain, or the bikes and bikes and bikes that crowd ploeck (i'm one of them!) and other things, but when i just took half an hour this evening after my busy day to take a nice leisurely spazieren and walk down the smaller cobblestone streets that run perpendicular to hauptstrasse, and then sit outside in the platz on the loveliest of evenings being watched by a castle that people travel from all over the world to see, it's pretty spectacular.

with the exception of a day trip to strasbourg on saturday, i'm in heidelberg until i leave, and after a whole lot of traveling over the last month, i am completely ready for that time left here in this city.

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