Friday, March 4, 2011

So I bought a bike...

So yeah, I bought a bike! Everyone in Heidelberg rides a bike. EVERYONE. And with my apartment being a 20-30 minute bus ride from the city center and everywhere I need to be on a daily basis, a 15 minute bike ride seemed like a much better option. I went with Jinah to the place she and Brock got their bikes, and ended up getting mine for 80 euros (it was originally marked at 85) and I got him to include a basket and a lock as well, so the price wasn’t too bad if you consider the fact that I’ll be using it nearly every day for five months. And it’ll be a wonderful commute come spring and summer.

Since before I even stepped foot on the plane, I’ve had a string of bad luck, beginning with the flu that I am only now just getting over, followed by getting completely ripped off when I bought my cell phone, and then buying my textbook and forgetting it on the bus an hour later and therefore having to go buy it again the next day. I’m hoping that I’m done with these unfortunate events and can finally start really enjoying Europe! The meds the doctor gave me are really working and I have so much more energy; my acute bronchitis or whatever it is isn’t completely gone as the bike ride home in the cold air presented a bit of trouble, but every day gets better.

Today we all had a brief session with Eric to discuss culture shock and we got to sit down as a group and talk about all the things that annoy us about German culture as of now. I’d have to say that my biggest things are that the stores aren’t open all the time like they are in the US, so you really must plan when you’re going to do your shopping, and they accept cards rarely anywhere, whereas I normally pay for my $2 coffee with my debit card. I just hate carrying around cash.

On another note, I’m going to have internet in my room very soon! I should’ve had it tonight, but the computers at the center wouldn’t load so I wasn’t able to activate my card, but I’ll do it tomorrow and then hopefully all will go smoothly and I’ll be able to access the wifi in my dorm and I can actually skype with people at home and be on to chat when it’s a decent hour in the states. Too bad BC’s on spring break beginning this weekend so everyone’s going to be gone, but alles gut!

Now language stuff: it’s been just shy of a week now, so how’s the German? It’s getting there… We’re in class almost four hours a day reviewing everything grammar, but it’s all in German so that’s all we hear. My understanding is still terrible, especially when people speak quickly which is usually, but even though most of what I’m saying is wrong, I’m getting much more comfortable with speaking. I find myself now thinking in “Denglish” and even wanting to write to my friends in German on Facebook. Within the program, I’d say we’re speaking to each other about 50% German, 50% English…when we need to say something quickly, it’s usually English. I’m really gonna have to work to improve my vocabulary, but many, many more weeks to do so!

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