Monday, January 17, 2011

A New Year

I am officially the last person left here. HOW DEPRESSING. Jennie left this morning to go back to Notre Dame, and here I am.... and here I will be for another FIVE WEEKS. Everyone at BC is moved back in, they start classes tomorrow... hey guess what? Yeah, I'm still here.

I had been prepared for my nine week winter break for a while, but the true test of boredom is about to begin. These last four weeks, all my other friends have been home, albeit at different times, but all home, all available because we're all on break from classes. And now...nobody! Luckily I have some friends at schools in the area...but they're now occupied in their school lives. My gym membership expires on Friday and then I'll really have nothing to do...

Luckily, I've got many excursions planned! Next weekend, Kelsey and I will be going down to JMU until Monday for Kelly's 21st birthday, and I'll get to see Marianne as well. I'll be up in Boston from Feb. 2- Feb. 8, a time to say my final goodbyes to everyone... and the next day, I'll be going down to JMU again and then Marianne and I will be going to VCU to see Darrell, and then moving to UVA for Joyce's 21st birthday! So...lots planned, and I'm sure the time will fly by... but any day now the weirdness will hit that everyone's back in school and I'm not.

Everyone I know that's going abroad is already there, already becoming immersed in foreign life! I JUST WANT TO GO NOW!!!!! The more time I wait, the more I get nervous, but the nervousness switches to excitement, and then back to nervousness...just let me goooo!

Another weird thing is that my last day of classes is July 22nd. SO LATE. So once again, I'll be the odd man out. Everyone will be enjoying summer, and I'll be....studying. Yes, I'll be studying in Europe, but it's still kind of a sad thought.

On a happier note though, YAYA in Europe is officially happening! Mollie will be there until mid-June (I'm also hoping to go visit her in early April during my break and we can go to Paris!) and Jennie will be arriving in June and will be doing her summer internship in a town only about an hour away from me so I'll be able to easily see her on weekends and such, and Marianne and Liz will be coming to visit for the first two weeks of June. All so exciting! I have no idea how we're going to get everything to work out, especially since I'll be in classes, but we know it's happening, which is always the first step.

I recently deactivated my Facebook because I was spending an unhealthy amount of time on it. It's been surprisingly easier than I expected to not have it... the only bothersome part is being away from the Yaya and CARS threads. I can see what they all write...but I can't respond. As a result though, I've been living on Twitter and am now finally updating this blog. I'm still debating whether or not to use this blog while I'm abroad or the Tumblr I just created...we'll see.

Sad note-- Patriots lost to the Jets last night in the divisional playoff round. I nearly cried. I really was expecting them to win hands down. And that on top of BC Hoops loss and Ravens loss the night before, and BC Bowl loss and Saints loss the week before... very depressing time for sports :(

Anyways, there's an update...we'll see how long it takes boredom to sink in.

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