Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Just a quick nota bene to my previous post... I have since realized that in nearly all of the scarf pictures I posted as examples, I was wearing that same gold scarf!  It's a very dear scarf, and absolutely my favorite scarf.  I bought it back in the early months of 2009, my freshman year at BC, when the frost was beginning to melt and the temperatures slowly began to rise...

I almost lost that scarf back in the winter of 2011- right before I went abroad, actually.  It was the week I visited BC in February- what would've been the spring semester of my junior year, but instead, it was a few weeks before I left for Germany.  After a night out, we of course all stopped at Lower for Late Night, and after devouring fried deliciousness, we all left our booth and when I got outside, I realized my neck was quite cold- THE SCARF!  I dashed back inside, and there was a new group of drunk kids sitting at what had been our booth- probably freshmen cause they sucked.  I told them I was pretty sure I had left my scarf on the seat and the girls just looked at me and gave me an aloof answer, acting as if I was somehow trespassing or interrupting their holy meal (although let's get real- Friday and Saturday nights at Lower are basically holy meals because they save us by putting some kind of food in our bodies after a night of unhealthy college drinking habits).  They rudely told me my scarf was definitely not there, but I was persistent and insisted that they look under their butts and sure enough, there it was- my beloved scarf!

BC kids can just be so rude when they're drunk sometimes!

Anyways, there it is.  An ode to my favorite gold scarf.  It's traveled the world with me and been through a lot.  We're approaching four years now- a relationship longer than many others I've had in my life.  Lol.

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